Face To Face Signing

Face to Face signing with Secured Signing enables you to execute the contract document or agreement right there in the meeting with your customer.

Face to Face Signing - Enable

Why use Face to Face (F2F) Signing?

It is the perfect solution for meeting with clients, or taking the paper out of your process for in store signing of agreements. The signer authenticates themselves using the SMS code and simply signs on screen. Video confirmation of identity can also be used in the Face to Face signing process. Of course your signed document is secured and tamper proofed with a personal, PKI based digital signature.

Sharing a Face to Face signing process with another user provides great support for multiple branch locations. A document created at head office can be shared with a branch office account. The customer meeting with the staff at that branch can enter their code into the branch’s Face to Face Portal to bring up their document and sign it.

In tablet or kiosk mode, Face to Face signing combines customer convenience with the highest levels of authenticity and reliability.

F2F Signing Benefits

Get started with Secured Signing today.