Partner API

  1. Understand Secured Signing account system
  2. Get partner account for yourself
  3. Create company account for your client (Type A)
  4. Create company account for your client (Type B)
  5. Add user to company account (Type A)
  6. Add user to company account (Type B)
  7. Understand Secured Signing API Authentication
  8. Get Access Token for partner account
  9. Get Access Token for company account
  10. Get Access Token for user account
  11. Perform action on behalf of user account
  12. API object details

Step 1: Understand Secured Signing account system

In Secured Signing account system, we have following kinds of accounts:

  • Partner account: this account is right for you. Through it, you can manage your API settings and accounts for your client companies and their users.
  • company account: this account is for your client company. You can group and manage this client’s users. There’re 2 types for client company account:
    • Type A: this type is suitable for large company / enterprise, who may have branches, sectors or subsidiary. It will use Enterprise Edition plan
    • Type B: this type is described for small company, who may want simple structure and easy payment method. It will use Pay as you Go or Team Edition plan
  • branch account: this account is for branches, sectors or subsidiary of type A client company account. It’s called membership under an Enterprise Edition plan.
  • user account: this user account is for your clients’ staff user. It represents the end users who own and send the document to sign.

You can manage all these accounts via Secured Signing Partner API. By classifying and grouping these different kinds of accounts / users, you can have a clear view of by who what can be done, instead of a mess.

Step 2: Get partner account for yourself

By contacting Secured Signing and tell us what you’re looking for, we will setup your partner account properly. If you want to use our partner API, you will get:

  • API Key
  • API Secret
  • Callback Url: usually can be your company domain
  • And the support to master the API.

Before using Secured Signing Partner API, you may have a look at Additional 1 Understand Secured Signing API Authentication at bottom.

Step 3A: Create company account for your client (Type A)

Create a company account (Type A)

Before performing this action, please refer to Addition 2 Get Access Token for partner account firstly.

This API will create a new company account with a default branch account.

The creating company account API request:

API Endpoint:



please refer to Additional 1 Understand Secured Signing API Authentication.

Body in JSON format (required properties only):

    "TermsOfUse": true,
    "Company": {
        "CompanyName": "",
        "StreetAddress": "",
        "City": "",
        "Country": "", //full country name, such as New Zealand, United States, not nz or us.
        "CountryCode": "", //international phone code, such as 64 for New Zealand, 1 for United States.
        "PhoneNumber": "",
        "ContactFirstName": "",
        "ContactLastName": "",
        "ContactEmail": "",
        "GMTOffset": 0 //The timezone difference in minutes, such as 780 for New Zealand Lightsaving Time, -480 for Pacific Time.

Response in JSON format:


Please save Membership Code, Reference, Update Key for this company account. You need them to get access token on behalf of the client company.

Complete the payment for company account

If it’s a new client company account, you need to setup its payment. Visit update URL below in a browser[UpdateKey]

Step 3B: Create company account for your client (Type B)

Create a client company account (Type B)

Before performing this action, please refer to Addition 2 Get Access Token for partner account firstly.

The creating company account API request:

API Endpoint:



please refer to Additional 1 Understand Secured Signing API Authentication.

Body in JSON format:

    "User": {
        "FirstName": "",
        "LastName": "",
        "Email": "" //Basic information only, please set as much information as you can.
    "Plan":{        //can be null if client chooses Pay As You Go plan, maximum user up to 10.
        "PlanUsers":5,   //maximum users can be added to this client account.
        "PlanDocuments":200 //maximum documents can be used per month for all user.

Response in JSON format:


This API will create the client company account with an admin user, who will receive an activation email and need to do setup in Secured Signing before any action.

Use connect key to get access token for this admin user account when performing action on its behalf. It can only be used once. Please refer to Additional 4 Get Access Token for user account to know how to get and refresh the access token.

Step 4A: Add user to company account (Type A)

Add a user to your client company account

Before performing this action, please refer to Additional 3 Get Access Token for company account firstly.

The Add User API request:

API Endpoint:



please refer to Additional 1 Understand Secured Signing API Authentication.

Body in JSON format (required properties shown only, please refer to Additional 6 Full User object details.):


Response in text, which is a key for this user account:


Use this key to get access token for this user account when performing action on its behalf. It can only be used once. Please refer to Additional 4 Get Access Token for user account to know how to get and refresh the access token.

Step 4B: Add user to company account (Type B)

Add user to your client company account

Before performing this action, please refer to Additional 4 Get Access Token for user account firstly to get Access Token for admin user of client account.

The Add User API request:

API Endpoint:



please refer to Additional 1 Understand Secured Signing API Authentication.

Body in JSON format (required properties only, please refer to Additional 6 Full User object details.):


Response in text, which is a key for this user account:


Use this key to get access token for this user account when performing action on its behalf. It can only be used once. Please refer to Additional 4 Get Access Token for user account to know how to get and refresh the access token.

Additional 1: Understand Secured Signing API Authentication

The API Authentication consists of two parts: OAuth2 and Signature.

They make the API request safe and controllable, which benefits you and your clients.


By authenticated with OAuth 2, you are able to call all API functions on behalf of your clients’ staff and themselves.

OAuth endpoints are the URLs you use to make OAuth authentication requests to Secured Signing.

You need to use the correct Secured Signing OAuth endpoint when issuing authentication requests in your application. The primary OAuth endpoints are:

  • For authorization:
  • For token requests:
  • For revoking OAuth tokens:

All endpoints require secure HTTP (HTTPS). Each OAuth flow defines which endpoints you need to use and what request data you need to provide.

If you’re verifying authentication on a sandbox organization, use “” instead of “” in all the OAuth endpoints listed above.

API Signature

API signature provides more safety for each API request, used as a stateless authentication with HMAC SHA-256.

All requests to resources (excluding the schema pages) must be accompanied by the correct Authentication headers as per this specification.

Secured Signing custom headers
  • X-CUSTOM-API-KEY: This is your API Key.
  • X-CUSTOM-SIGNATURE: This is a HMAC SHA-256 hash of a string of properties outlined below using your API Secret.
  • X-CUSTOM-DATE: This is a Unix timestamp of the time you made the request. We allow a slight buffer on this in case of any time sync issues.
  • X-CUSTOM-NONCE: A randomly generated string of your choice. Ensure it is unique to each request, and no more than 32 characters long.
HTTP standard headers
  • Referer: The address where the request originated. Please specify the Callback URL.
  • Authorization: The OAuth2 access token with token type “Bearer”, i.e. “Bearer [access token]”

The signature header value to be hashed is created using the following properties ApiKey, time stamp and nonce as show below


Please use ‘\n’ as shown above.

After the string is created above, it is hashed using HMAC SHA-256 using your API Secret. It must be Base64 string encoded before adding it to the header.

e.g. In JavaScript (We are using Googles CryptoJS library for the hashing and Base64 encoding)

var hash = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(apiKey + '\n' + timestamp + '\n' + nonce, apiSecretKey);
var hashInBase64 = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(hash);

API Request Headers

So for each API request, you need to set following headers

Key Value
Content-Type application/json
X-CUSTOM-DATE [Unix timestamp of the time you made the request]
X-CUSTOM-NONCE [A randomly generated unique string]
X-CUSTOM-SIGNATURE [Authorization signature]
Referer [Your Callback URL]
Authorization Bearer [Access Token]

Additional 2: Get Access Token for partner account

As we can see, enterprise account has more power than client and user account. For safety, you need to get access token every time you call API on behalf of enterprise account.

Please tell Secured Signing what clients you have or discuss with use what you need, so that we can enable the right features for you.

For this special API, please set OAuth2 Token Request body as blow:

Key Value
grant_type client_credentials
client_id [Your API Key]
client_secre [Your API Secret]
redirect_uri [Your Callback URL]
client_credential_type special_feature
feature MembershipManagement (For Type A company account)
AccountManagement (For Type B company account)

Use POST method to send HTTP form format to OAuth2 Token Endpoint. The request would look like:

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


Get access token from response, which is in JSON format:

    "access_token":"[Access Token]",

Additional 3: Get Access Token for company account

As we can see, client account has more power than user account. For safety, you need to get access token every time you call API on behalf of client account.

For this special API, please set OAuth2 Token Request body as blow:

Key Value
grant_type client_credentials
client_id [Your API Key]
client_secre [Your API Secret]
redirect_uri [Your Callback URL]
client_credential_type membership_authentication
membership_code [MembershipCode]
membership_reference [MembershipReference]

Use POST method to send HTTP form format to OAuth2 Token Endpoint. The request would look like:

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


Get access token from response, which is in JSON format:

    "access_token":"[Access Token]",

Additional 4: Get Access Token for user account

Get OAuth2 access token from existing user account

Existing user accounts means that users have already signed up in Secured Signing. They can also connet their user account to your service through a standard OAuth 2 authorization flow.

Please set OAuth2 Authorise Request URL as blow:

Key Value
response_type code
client_id [Your API Key]
redirect_uri [Your Callback URL]

[The things this account can do, e.g. Basic to get account details, WeSign to do We Sign process]

See full list below.

Supported scopes list:

Scope Description
Basic Basic Profile – Fetch information about your Secured Signing account, such as your price plan, account status etc.
ISign I Sign – Sign documents as a sole Signatory.
WeSign We Sign – Invite other people to sign documents.
SmartTag Smart Tag – Send documents with Smart Tags.
FormDirect Form Direct – Fetch and send your online Form Direct forms.
FormFiller Form Filler – Fill in online forms and sign.
Account Account Management – Manage account settings.

Use GET method to send to OAuth2 Authorise Endpoint. The request would look like:


User will be redirected to Secured Signing, they need to login and authorise and then redirect back to your service.

Get authorization code from query part of callback URL


Use this authorization code to access Secured Signing OAuth 2 Token endpoint to get access token.

Please set OAuth2 Token Request URL as blow:

Key Value
grant_type authorization_code
client_id [Your API Key]
client_secret [Your API Secret]
redirect_uri [Your Callback URL]
code [Authorization Code]

Use POST method to send request to OAuth2 Token Endpoint. The request would look like:



Get access token from response, which is in JSON format:


Please save the new access token for this user to perform operations on its behalf.

Get OAuth2 access token from new user account

Please set OAuth2 Authorise Request URL as blow:

Key Value
response_type code
client_id [Your API Key]
redirect_uri [Your Callback URL]

[The things this account can do, e.g. Basic to get account details, WeSign to do We Sign process]

See full list above.

key [The response of Adding account to membership API]

Use GET method to send to OAuth2 Authorise Endpoint. The request would look like:


This URL will have to do 302 redirects to get final response. So your HTTP client should support redirect.

Get access token from response, which is in JSON format:


Please save access and refresh token for this user to perform operation on its behalf.

Refresh token for account

If account’s access token expired, you can use its refresh token to get a new access token. It’s a standard OAuth2 refresh token process.

Please set OAuth2 Token Request URL as blow:

Key Value
grant_type refresh_token
client_id [Your API Key]
client_secret [Your API Secret]
redirect_uri [Your Callback URL]
refresh_token [Refresh Token]

Use POST method to send to OAuth2 Token Endpoint. The request would look like:



Get access token from response, which is in JSON format:


Please save the new access token for this user to perform operations on its behalf.

Additional 5: Perform action on behalf of user account

With access token of user account, you can call Secured Signing API, e.g. uploading document or sending Smart Tag. Please refer to API Documentation page for a full list of API Seucred Signing supported.

Here’s a sample how to get a user account information from Secured Signing.

The Account Infomation API request:

API Endpoint:



please refer to Additional 1 Understand Secured Signing API Authentication.

Response in JSON format, which is infomation for this user account:


To call other API functions, set the headers and follow the API request format to fill data, then send request to get response.

Additional 6: API object details

Company details

"Company": {
    "CompanyName": "",
    "StreetAddress": "",
    "City": "",
    "Country": "", //full country name, such as New Zealand, United States, not nz or us.
    "CountryCode": "", //international phone code, such as 64 for New Zealand, 1 for United States.
    "PhoneNumber": "",
    "ContactFirstName": "",
    "ContactLastName": "",
    "ContactEmail": "",
    "GMTOffset": 0 //The timezone difference in minutes, such as 780 for New Zealand Lightsaving Time, -480 for Pacific Time.

User details

        "FirstName":"", //required
        "LastName":"",  //required
        "Email":"",  //required
        "Country":"", //full country name, such as New Zealand, United States, not nz or us.
        "PhoneCountry":"", //international phone code, such as 64 for New Zealand, 1 for United States.

Plan details

There’re 2 kinds of plan type for client (Type B) account:

  • Pay as you Go: maximum users up to 10, pay as usage monthly.
  • Team Edition: 1-5 users and 50, 75, 100, 150 or 200 documents to choose in initial setup, prepay monthly. Contact Secured Signing to get more options.

Please refer to Plan Details to learn more.

"Plan":{        //can be null if client chooses Pay as you Go plan, maximum user up to 10.
        "PlanUsers":5,   //maximum users can be added to this client account.
        "PlanDocuments":200 //maximum documents can be used per month for all user.

Do you need anything else?