Secured Digital Signature and Remote Online Notarization for
Construction Companies

Discover how your construction company can benefit from secure digital signatures and remote online notarization with Secured Signing.  

remote online notarization for construction

Digital Signature & Remote Online Notarization Solutions for Construction Companies

At Secured Signing, we understand the unique challenges faced by construction companies. With countless documents to sign, tight deadlines, and multiple stakeholders involved, efficient and secure document management is crucial for your success. That’s why we’ve developed cutting-edge digital signature and remote online notarization solutions tailored to the needs of the construction industry.

Experience the difference with Secured Signing, and discover how we can streamline your workflow, save time and money, and ensure the security and compliance of your documents. 

Why Choose Secured Signing

Secure and Legally Binding

Our digital signatures are compliant with global e-signature regulations, ensuring the legal validity of your documents. Plus, our platform uses advanced encryption technology to protect your data 

Remote Online Notarisation

Conduct notarizations remotely, without the need for in-person meetings. Save time and eliminate logistical challenges, while still ensuring the authenticity of your documents. 

Streamlined Collaboration

Simplify collaboration with contractors, architects, and clients by using a single, easy-to-use platform. Track document progress, set reminders, and receive real-time notifications to stay on top of your projects.

Scalable Solution

Whether you’re a small construction firm or a large enterprise, our platform is designed to grow with you. Choose from a range of pricing plans to find the perfect fit for your business 

Time and Cost Savings

Reduce the need for paper-based documentation, printing, and shipping costs. Save valuable time by automating document signing and notarization processes.

Integrate with popular Construction Systems

Seamlessly integrate Secured Signing with your existing construction management software, ensuring a smooth and efficient document workflow.

Seamless Integrations

Easily send documents by integrating into all the tools you use everyday, including your proprietary company systems.

Enterprise-grade security, compliance and non-repudiation

The privacy and protection of your data is something we take very seriously. We offer a secure digital signature technology and a secure platform for executing the signing that gives you all the tools you need for a legally binding and robust document execution.

ISO Certified Security with Secured Signing 2

ISO 27001 Certification

Efficiently and securely generated digital notarial records for all your RON session.

Secured Signing Mismo Compliant

MISMO Compliant

Certified MISMO Compliant Remote Online Notarization (RON) Platform.

HIPPA COMPLIANT with Secured Signing 2

HIPPA Compliant

Efficiently and securely generated digital notarial records for all your RON session.

Transform Your Construction Document Workflow with Secured Signing!

Join the growing number of construction companies that have already experienced the benefits of digital signature and remote online notarization solutions from Secured Signing. Take the first step towards a more efficient and secure document management process by signing up for a free trial today. 

We’re here to help you streamline your processes and unlock the full potential of digital signatures and remote online notarization. 

For more information on how Secured Signing can revolutionize your construction company’s document management, contact our team today.