JobAdder: How to Connect Users to Secured Signing

Step 1: Open Secured Signing Admin from the Action Button.

Login to JobAdder with an admin user. 

Open the Secured Signing action menu and select Admin, from one of following record:

  • Candidate
  • Job
  • Application
  • Placement
  • Company
  • Contact

Step 2: Make sure you are in the Admin Tab.

Navigate to ‘Manage User Connections;

Step 3: Manage user connections.

If a user has not connected yet, clicking the Actions button for them will show:

  • Connect as Standard User: the user can use the integration and can only manage their own document with the Secured Signing document status action.
  • Connect as Collaborator: the user can use the integration and can manage their own and other user’s documents in Secured Signing document status action.

If a user has connected, clicking the Actions button for them shows:

  • User Role: Click to change user role between standard user and Collaborator.
  • Disconnect: Click to remove user connection, a popup will show to confirm disconnection.

*If a user you are disconnecting has pending documents or created document templates, you will need to choose another connected user in the disconnect popup to transfer pending documents or templates to.

Once adding a new user, you will also need to share with them document templates. This is done from the Form Filler Section in JobAdder Integration. 

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